Woori Bank Handovers Prizes to its Grand lucky draw Winners

Woori Bank would like to congratulate all 318 Woori Bank Prize winners from “Woori Talks, We Talk” Facebook live conducted on 25th April 2022, to commemorate the formal opening of its Commercial Bank earlier this year. Woori Bank offers a variety of large and exciting promotions to its customers and the general public. One of the most exciting promotions is the Lucky Draw program, which allows customers and the general public to enter by simply filling out a digital lucky draw ticket platform for a chance to win a SsangYong Tivoli 2022 car, motorcycles, iPhone 13, Smart TVs, and hundreds of gas and cash vouchers, totaling 318 units worth over US$70,000.

“The Lucky Draw commemorates the launch of WOORI BANK (CAMBODIA) as a commercial bank on January 3, 2022, as well as a day to thank the many clients and members of the public who have used Woori Bank’s financial services over the past 30 years.”. I would like to take this opportunity to express my gratitude to our valued customers for their unwavering support and trust. Congratulations on winning the WOORI BANK Lucky Draw. Woori Bank will continue to provide consumers with superior services and products.” Mr. Kim Hong Ju, Woori Bank’s CEO, stated



Woori Bank will continue to provide customers and the general public with a variety of attractive services. We will continue to serve you with financial services that are fast, easy, and reliable.

For more inquiries, please contact at 023 963 333 / 081 331 333 or visit our official Facebook page : www.facebook.com/wooribankkh or Website: www.wooribank.com.kh

About Woori Bank

Woori Bank is one of the leading commercial banks in Cambodia, operating through 138 branch networks nationwide, with experienced employees of more than 4,000; while progressively expanding its branch and ATM networks across Cambodia. As of 31 March 2022, Woori Bank has achieved total assets of US$ 1.2 Billion, loan portfolio of US$ 1 Billion, deposit amount of US$ 273 Million and more than 353,000 customers.

Woori Bank Announces Winners of Lucky Draw Grand Prizes

26 April 2022, Phnom Penh – In celebrations of its official launching, Woori Bank offers various big and exciting promotions to its customers and the public. One of the exciting promotions is the Lucky Draw program, which open to customers, and the public, by just fill in digital lucky draw ticket platform for the chance to win SsangYong Tivoli 2022 Car, Motorbikes, IPhone 13, Smart TVs, and hundreds of Gasoline and Cash Vouchers, the 318 units equal to more than US$70,000.  

The lucky winners were found during the live broadcast on Woori Bank’s official Facebook page on 25 April 2022, presided over by Mr. Kim Hong Ju, CEO of Woori Bank, Mr. Hun Sopheak, Chief Operating Officer, Business Group 1, and Mr. Preap Piseth, Chief Operating Officer, Business Group 1, participating as guest speakers and lucky draw committees.

“The Lucky Draw commemorates the launch of WOORI BANK (CAMBODIA) as a commercial bank from January 3, 2022, and a day to express gratitude to the many customers and the public who have used Woori Bank’s financial services over the past 30 years. I would like to take this opportunity to express my gratitude to our valued customers for their unwavering support and trust. Congratulations on winning the WOORI BANK Lucky Draw. Woori Bank will continue to provide better services and products to customers.” Said Mr. Kim Hong Ju, CEO of Woori Bank

List of winners and information on prizes handover are presented at: bit.ly/WooribanlwinnerlistENG

For more inquiries, please contact at 023 963 333 / 081 331 333 or visit our official Facebook page at www.facebook.com/wooribankkh or Website at www.wooribank.com.kh

About Woori Bank

Woori Bank is one of the leading commercial banks in Cambodia, operating through 138 branch networks nationwide, with experienced employees of more than 4,000; while progressively expanding its branch and ATM networks across Cambodia. As of 31 March 2022, Woori Bank has achieved total assets of US$ 1.2 Billion, loan portfolio of US$ 1 Billion, deposit amount of US$ 273 Million and more than 353,000 customers.

Congratulations to the winners from Woori Bank’s Lucky draw Campaign

Woori Bank is pleased to announce the winners of “Woori Banks Lucky Draw Grand Prize in celebrations of its official launch of Commercial Bank early of this year.

Congratulations to all 318 winners of Woori Bank Prizes, from “Woori Talks, We Talk” Facebook live conducted on 25th April 2022.

For terms and conditions of Woori Bank’s lucky draw program, please find here: Link

How to Redeem Prizes 

For 18 big prize winners: Winners of grand prizes including 2022 Ssangyong Tivoli Car, Smart TVs, $500 Gasoline Cards, Iphone 13 Pro Max, and Motorbikes will be invited to attend Prize Handover Event on 06th May 2022 at Woori Bank’s Tuol Svay Prey 2 Branch, Phnom Penh. Please bring your ID card along.

For 300 Winners of US$100, US$100 Gasoline Card, and Smart 1 Year Plan prizes are requested to visit any of our 18 Regional Branches, to open account and redeem prizes from 06 May 2022 to 20 May 2022. Please bring your ID card along.

Prizes Redeeming Locations

Winner addressBranch addressGoogle Map Link
Phnom Penh Building # 398, Preah Monivong Blvd., Sangkat Boeng Keng Kang Ti Muoy, Khan Boeng Keng Kang, Phnom Penhhttps://bit.ly/wooribankheadoffice
Banteay MeancheyNational Road № 6, Kampong Svay Village, Sangkat Kampong Svay, Krong Serei Saophoan, Banteay Meanchey Provincehttps://bit.ly/WooriBanteayMeanchey
Battambang№ 99, National Road № 3, Maphey Osakphea Village, Sangkat Svay Por, Krong Battambang, Battambang Provincehttps://bit.ly/WooriBattambang
Kampong ChamBoeng Snay Village, Sangkat Sambuor Meas, Krong Kampong Cham, Kampong Cham Provincehttps://bit.ly/WooriKompongcham
Kampong ChhnangNational Road № 5, Tuol Kralanh Village, Sangkat Kampong Chhnang, Krong Kampong Chhnang, Kampong Chhnang Provincehttps://bit.ly/WooriKampongChhnang
Kampong Speu№ 85, National Road № 04, Borei Kammeakkar Village, Sangkat Rokar Thum, Krong Chbar Mon, Kampong Speu Provincehttps://bit.ly/WooriKampongSpeu
Kampong Thom№ 009B, Group 1, National Road № 6, Stueng Saen Village, Sangkat Kampong Krabau, Krong Stueng Saen, Kampong Thom Provincehttps://bit.ly/WooriKampongThom
KampotKampong Bay Khang Cheung Village, Sangkat Kampong Bay, Krong Kampot​, Kampot Provincehttps://bit.ly/Woorikampot
KandalNo. 240, National Road 2, Krapeu Ha Village, Sangkat Prek Ruessey, Krong Ta Khmau, Kandal Provincehttps://bit.ly/WooriKandal
Koh KongStreet Khemara Phoumin, Group № 7, Phum Ti Pir Village, Sangkat Smach Mean Chey, Khemara Phoumin Municipality, Koh Kong Provincehttps://bit.ly/WooriKohkong
KratieOu Ruessei Ti Muoy Village, Sangkat Ou Ruessei, Sangkat Kracheh, Kratie Provincehttps://bit.ly/wooriKratie
MondulkiriKandal ​Village, Spean Mean Chey Commune, Saen Monourom municipality, Mondul Kiri Provincehttps://bit.ly/WooriMondulKiri
Oddar MeancheyDoun Kaen Village, Sangkat Samraong, Krong Samraong, Oddar Meanchey Provincehttps://bit.ly/WooriOddarMeanchey
PailinOu Ta Puk Leu Village, Sangkat Pailin, Krong Pailin, Pailin Provincehttps://bit.ly/Wooripailin
Preah VihearLa Edth Village, Sangkat Kampong Pranak, Krong Preah Vihear, Preah Vihear Provincehttps://bit.ly/wooriPreahVihear
Prey Veng№ 23,​ National Road № 11, Lekh Prambei Village, Sangkat Kampong Leav, Krong Prey Veng, Prey Veng Provincehttps://bit.ly/wooriPreyVeng
Pursat№ 475, National Road № 5, Krang Pophleak Village, Sangkat Svay At, Krong Pursat, Pursat Provincehttps://bit.ly/wooribankpusat
RattanakiriStreet № 78, Chey Chumnas Village, Sangkat Labansiek, Krong Ban Lung, Ratanak Kiri Provincehttps://bit.ly/Wooriratanakiri
Siem Reap№ 76, National Road № 6, Chongkaosou Village, Sangkat Sla Kram, Krong Siemreap, Siemreap Provincehttps://bit.ly/wooriSiemreap
Preah Sihanouk№ 249, Street Ekareach 100, Phum Bei, Sangkat Pir, Krong Preah Sihanouk, Preah Sihanouk Provincehttps://bit.ly/wooriPreahSihanouk
Stung TrengKandal Village, Sangkat Stueng Traeng, Krong Stueng Traeng, Stueng Traeng Provincehttps://bit.ly/wooriStungTreng
Svay RiengKien Sang Village, Sangkat Svay Rieng, Krong Svay Rieng, Svay Rieng Provincehttps://bit.ly/wooriSvayRieng
TakeoNational Road 2, Phum Thnal Baek, Sangkat Roka Krau, Krong Doun Kaev, Takeo Provincehttps://bit.ly/Wooribanktakeo
Tboung KhmumNational Road № 7, Cheung Lang Village, Sangkat Suong, Krong Suong, Tboung Khmum Provincehttps://bit.ly/wooribankTboungKhmum

Note: Winners are not required to make any payment or fees for prize redemptions. In the event of any fraudulent contact and require payment, Woori Bank will not be responsible in any case.

Woori Bank official contacts are 023 963 333 / 081 331 333. Official Facebook page: www.facebook.com/wooribankkh

Winners Information List

1Sovan menghongPhnom PenhCar
2គា ចាន់ណារ៉ាBattambangHondaBeats
3TORK LYDABattambangHondaBeats
4ROMAM HLAEURattanakiriHondaBeats
5Chum SitipanhounBattambangHondaBeats
6ហ៊ុន ហឿនMondulkiriHondaBeats
7Oeung BunsangKampotIphone
8OUN CHANTHOUKampong SpeuIphone
9Long sophannaratKampong SpeuIphone
10YonesokrasmeyPhnom PenhGasoline500
11គិត វីPhnom PenhGasoline500
12IT SENGBanteay MeancheyGasoline500
13ឌឿ សុជាBanteay MeancheyGasoline500
14SOK MALENSiem ReapSmartTV
15Thong SokhomKandalSmartTV
16Sengphal DavinePhnom PenhSmartTV
17Sim kosalPhnom PenhSmartTV
18An VidavinPhnom PenhSmartTV
19HORM PROSBanteay MeancheySmart 1 year
20Soy rathaTakeoSmart 1 year
21ជា សម្បត្តិKampong SpeuSmart 1 year
22Sen kanhaKampotSmart 1 year
23ហ៊ាង យូងនKandalSmart 1 year
24Y Phol kunPhnom PenhSmart 1 year
25CHAN POUTH SANGWARPhnom PenhSmart 1 year
26ហាស់ហុង វីរះPhnom PenhSmart 1 year
27EN SAORASvay RiengSmart 1 year
28អ៊ុត ហុនKampong SpeuSmart 1 year
29សន យ៉ុមPrey VengSmart 1 year
30វង់ ចាន់រ៉នPhnom PenhSmart 1 year
31Heng synanKampong ChamSmart 1 year
32សេង សុភាTbong KhmumSmart 1 year
33ជា ម៉ាប់Banteay MeancheySmart 1 year
34ឡេង គន្ធីBattambangSmart 1 year
35ចាន់ សុគឿនSvay RiengSmart 1 year
36អ្នក សៀងអោយKampong ChhnangSmart 1 year
37Mak thananTbong KhmumSmart 1 year
38ROMAM THEANRattanakiriSmart 1 year
39Horn piseyPrey VengSmart 1 year
40SOM PRANGLOEUMAPhnom PenhSmart 1 year
41You chanraksmeyKandalSmart 1 year
42ឆាយ វីលីយ៉ាPhnom PenhSmart 1 year
43KAN KHEANKampong ChamSmart 1 year
44ខ្លោង វែងRattanakiriSmart 1 year
45នី សុីណាKampong ThomSmart 1 year
46Norng ChanthaKampong SpeuSmart 1 year
47ឈួន រុនKandalSmart 1 year
48យឹមផល្លាSiem ReapSmart 1 year
49ផាត់ ស្រីពេជ្រKampong SpeuSmart 1 year
50លឺម​សុផលTbong KhmumSmart 1 year
51មិនរតនាSvay RiengSmart 1 year
52Chhun panhaPhnom PenhSmart 1 year
53Huyly HeangKandalSmart 1 year
54RothsreylorngKampong ChamSmart 1 year
55ហុង សុខជីមPhnom PenhSmart 1 year
56ly reaksmeyPhnom PenhSmart 1 year
57ហ៊ ស៊ីណាKandalSmart 1 year
58ហាត សុភីKampong ThomSmart 1 year
59Kimlong LeangPhnom PenhSmart 1 year
60ណុចណារីKampong ChamSmart 1 year
61កុយ ដៀបSvay RiengSmart 1 year
62នៅស្រីកែបSihanouk VilleSmart 1 year
63THA PENGRattanakiriSmart 1 year
64ធី ថាវីSvay RiengSmart 1 year
65អាន សីហាPhnom PenhSmart 1 year
66ហ៊ិន សារឿនPrey VengSmart 1 year
67ហុឹម បុត្រPreah VihearSmart 1 year
68Yan ToeurngKandalSmart 1 year
69ហ៊ូ ភក្តីPhnom PenhSmart 1 year
70កែវ សុម៉ាលីPhnom PenhSmart 1 year
71អាន សុខលាភTbong KhmumSmart 1 year
72HEM HAKPreah VihearSmart 1 year
73ឆុំ រាត្រីBattambangSmart 1 year
74លីវ ហ៊ាបPrey VengSmart 1 year
75YORNG PANNKampong SpeuSmart 1 year
76Mov Siv sourkeaSiem ReapSmart 1 year
77Suon SorpheaPhnom PenhSmart 1 year
78ឆាន់ នីPrey VengSmart 1 year
79សោម ពិសីKampong SpeuSmart 1 year
80Hong kimkeoPhnom PenhSmart 1 year
81ឈាង ប៊ុនរ៉ុងKampong ChhnangSmart 1 year
82Kol VibolPhnom PenhSmart 1 year
83៚ស្រ៊ន់ ភារឹទ្ធMondulkiriSmart 1 year
84Mina KhoeurnPhnom PenhSmart 1 year
85HEN SAM OEUNKampong ChhnangSmart 1 year
86Pho VanndyTakeoSmart 1 year
87At ThearaSvay RiengSmart 1 year
88ផុន សារិនMondulkiriSmart 1 year
89LOEK NANGTakeoSmart 1 year
90Dinh PrathnaPhnom PenhSmart 1 year
91ហ៊ាន បូរ៉ាTakeoSmart 1 year
92អូម កាហមRattanakiriSmart 1 year
93DarinPhnom PenhSmart 1 year
94ចេន រតនៈKampong ChamSmart 1 year
95ឡី សុខណេងMondulkiriSmart 1 year
96ហុង​ ស្រីវេតPhnom PenhSmart 1 year
97MEL NACHKampong ChamSmart 1 year
98CHAN ARNRattanakiriSmart 1 year
99អែល ស្រីលីនTakeoSmart 1 year
100SOTH LEAKHENAKandalSmart 1 year
101SVAY SOPHORNSvay RiengSmart 1 year
102ឈិន ប៊ុននាងBattambangSmart 1 year
103Yem sreytouchPrey VengSmart 1 year
104សែមលីម៉េងBattambangSmart 1 year
105រ៉ានី ស្រីអូនKampong ChamSmart 1 year
106រ័ត្ន វាសនាMondulkiriSmart 1 year
107សៀ វុត្ថាPhnom PenhSmart 1 year
108ហ៊ា សុីមKandalSmart 1 year
109ណា ចាន់នីKandalSmart 1 year
110ឌុន សាវ៉េតPreah VihearSmart 1 year
111វ៉ន ចន្ធូKampong ThomSmart 1 year
112Mon SounnaryKandalSmart 1 year
113Phan SatraSiem ReapSmart 1 year
114ផាត់ ស៊ីនិតPursatSmart 1 year
115កើត ញឹមKampotSmart 1 year
116SOTH SOKPHANITHPhnom PenhSmart 1 year
117សុខ ហ៊ីមTakeoSmart 1 year
118Noeurn SonetKampong SpeuSmart 1 year
119BOR LAPailinGasoline100
120SokRaPhnom PenhGasoline100
121KEV CHANTHAPhnom PenhGasoline100
122ហូ វីហុងPreah VihearGasoline100
123Kuy YoeklengPhnom PenhGasoline100
124Chhiek MakaraPhnom PenhGasoline100
125ដឿន ឌីណាKampong ThomGasoline100
126ថែប សាមនKampong ThomGasoline100
127រឿន ចាន់ត្រាBattambangGasoline100
128ហន រតនាKampong SpeuGasoline100
129UM SAMNANGKampong SpeuGasoline100
130Los troheatKampong ChhnangGasoline100
131ហួន​ ចាន់រ៉ាត់Banteay MeancheyGasoline100
132ស៊ុន អរ័KampotGasoline100
133សុឹម សុខនីKampong ChamGasoline100
134DIN CHANRYBanteay MeancheyGasoline100
135NOCH SOKHAPailinGasoline100
136នាក់ ណាក់MondulkiriGasoline100
137Han ChhunheangPhnom PenhGasoline100
138លី អារីណាSiem ReapGasoline100
139គុយ ដារ៉ូPhnom PenhGasoline100
140SON CHANTRYBanteay MeancheyGasoline100
141អុន សុនីតាPhnom PenhGasoline100
142KOENG RATHTakeoGasoline100
143អ៊ុន ម៉ា​រ៉ា​ឌីKandalGasoline100
144ឌឹម លក្ខិណាPrey VengGasoline100
145SOU VANNOBStung TrengGasoline100
146ចាន់ ចនPrey VengGasoline100
147SONG CHANTHYKampong SpeuGasoline100
148ជាប់ ជឿមBattambangGasoline100
149វុន ចាន់និតBanteay MeancheyGasoline100
150ទា ផនPhnom PenhGasoline100
151រឿន សំរ៉ងPrey VengGasoline100
152យុង កបKandalGasoline100
153Ech PhearaTbong KhmumGasoline100
154Phat sreydetTbong KhmumGasoline100
155Sok NedaSvay RiengGasoline100
156Ut TakvannPhnom PenhGasoline100
157អោ​ ច្រូចKampong ChhnangGasoline100
158ណង ត្រសក់Banteay MeancheyGasoline100
159HUN MALAKampong ChamGasoline100
160ស្វាយ​ យ៉េនBattambangGasoline100
161DoeblornPhnom PenhGasoline100
162Kong ChanthengKampong ChamGasoline100
163Roet BoraPreah VihearGasoline100
164CHEK SEYHAPhnom PenhGasoline100
165ប៉ាល់ សៅSvay RiengGasoline100
166សាវេន ច្រេនSihanouk VilleGasoline100
167RORN BUNRETHBattambangGasoline100
168វង់ វាសន្លាTbong KhmumGasoline100
169Chea VouchleangPhnom PenhGasoline100
170ទៀង ស៊ីអ៊ីមBattambangGasoline100
172ច្រុច កណ្តូបBanteay MeancheyGasoline100
173សោម សំអានTbong KhmumGasoline100
174Seat SavetKampong ChamGasoline100
175Som samnangKratieGasoline100
176Soeurn LinaPhnom PenhGasoline100
177លឹម សុវណ្ណារីSvay RiengGasoline100
178អេង​ សុកជាKampong ChamGasoline100
179Bou SovanchansanyPhnom PenhGasoline100
180សាវុធ សុខាPhnom PenhGasoline100
181Choeun SamnangKampong ThomGasoline100
182PHORK REMTbong KhmumGasoline100
183ចន វិជ្ជាSvay RiengGasoline100
184ប្រាក់ វត្តីKampong SpeuGasoline100
185សឺត វណ្ណះBattambangGasoline100
186Um sreynoKratieGasoline100
187ប៉ែនចន្ទ័ត្រាSiem ReapGasoline100
188រស់ រ៉នKampong ThomGasoline100
189ផុន ទេពភិវឌ្ឍន៍Phnom PenhGasoline100
190រុន ស៊ីណាKampong ChamGasoline100
191សែម​ សារឿនTakeoGasoline100
192Sor nyBanteay MeancheyGasoline100
193ឆុំ ស្រីពេជ្រPhnom PenhGasoline100
194ផន សារ៉នTakeoGasoline100
195សន​ សុីនាងPhnom PenhGasoline100
196ទិត លន់BattambangGasoline100
197ឃឹមស្រីស្រស់Kampong SpeuGasoline100
198ស្រ៊ន់រដ្ឋាTbong KhmumGasoline100
199តាន់ យូហ៊ងKandalGasoline100
200ជឿន ស្រីពៅTbong KhmumGasoline100
202ឯក សុភាKampong SpeuGasoline100
203MEUN SAMITTbong KhmumGasoline100
204ហាច អួចBanteay MeancheyGasoline100
205លេង ចិត្រាBanteay MeancheyGasoline100
206SUMSOPHOSKampong SpeuGasoline100
207ពិច សុផាPreah VihearGasoline100
208Khy sopheapKampong ChamGasoline100
209SINCHANBOPHASvay RiengGasoline100
210Chorm KimmengPhnom PenhGasoline100
211គង់ ស្រីមុមKampong SpeuGasoline100
212ម៉ុល សុខជាKampong SpeuGasoline100
213Dam SreythySiem ReapGasoline100
214តៃ បញ្ញាKoh KongGasoline100
215ទូច យ៉ានីPrey VengGasoline100
216ចន ដាPrey VengGasoline100
217តែម ពេជKampotGasoline100
218អេង សនSvay RiengGasoline100
219ចាន់ គន្ធាSvay RiengCash
220មាន សុធីនKratieCash
221មឿន ស័ក្ដិសិរីណងSiem ReapCash
222ស៊ីម និមលPhnom PenhCash
224សេង តេកឡាKandalCash
225អុិន សំអ៑ាតBattambangCash
226ឌី ឡៃBattambangCash
227Sopharith SemPhnom PenhCash
228ថន់ ចន្ធីPhnom PenhCash
229សឹម ឆៃយ៉ាKampong SpeuCash
230Kheam ChanchamroeunPhnom PenhCash
231man yososKampong ThomCash
232ផន វាសនាKampong SpeuCash
233TouchlidaPhnom PenhCash
234វង់ សុខនាKratieCash
235Chhen rachanaKandalCash
236ប៑ុនអេងលាងTbong KhmumCash
237LIM YOULINKoh KongCash
238MEN PUCHKampong SpeuCash
240Noun BoraPhnom PenhCash
241ហេង សុខអេងPhnom PenhCash
242អែម​ ញឿនKampong ChamCash
243លឹមសំភារម្យPhnom PenhCash
244Oung SorsachakPhnom PenhCash
245ហ៊ីម ឧត្តមPrey VengCash
246Measpeou VannithPhnom PenhCash
247San putheavyPhnom PenhCash
248ឈន គីមណាKampong ChhnangCash
249លុច លេខSiem ReapCash
250YOU SOKHOEUNKampong SpeuCash
251សឿង រក្សាBanteay MeancheyCash
252Sok ChounathSvay RiengCash
253ថន ប៊ុន លីមKandalCash
254ផង ច័ន្ទថាTakeoCash
255HengromneaPhnom PenhCash
256LEAV CHANTEANGKampong ChamCash
257ហាន ប្រាជ្ញាPhnom PenhCash
258ហម ចន្ទតារាPailinCash
260អុន សុភក្តិPrey VengCash
261San sreynatPhnom PenhCash
262Don SokeyStung TrengCash
263អ៊ុច សិត្បូKampong SpeuCash
264OK SORPHORNRattanakiriCash
265មឿន កុសល់BattambangCash
266វង់សុភាKampong SpeuCash
267ហោម ម៉ាចKampotCash
268ពៅ ចិនTakeoCash
269PICH ViraksmeiPhnom PenhCash
270ឌី ចិន្តាKandalCash
271Chea channyBattambangCash
272ភុន ប្រុសOddor MeancheyCash
273TANG HenghengPhnom PenhCash
274សុភ័ណ្ឌPhnom PenhCash
275KHORN LEAPTbong KhmumCash
276សាត់ សាវុធStung TrengCash
277មុត លីឃាងBattambangCash
278កិកម៉េងគាKampong ChamCash
279Horn NaiheangKampong ChamCash
280អំ​ បូរីTakeoCash
281សែម ច័ន្ទសិរីKampotCash
282SIM BORSPrey VengCash
283Sum DavinPrey VengCash
284khut chhonSiem ReapCash
285Pil OunPrey VengCash
286អេម វរលក្ខណ៍PursatCash
287Tuon VannaPhnom PenhCash
288យាន សុយ៉ុងKampong SpeuCash
289Hon NhinPhnom PenhCash
291ហេង សុវណ្ណPursatCash
292ព្រំស្រីពៅSvay RiengCash
293Y VITHYKampong ChamCash
295ឈន វ៉ាន់ថាTakeoCash
296សៀ ពៅKandalCash
297ឈី ឆេងKandalCash
298អង ពិសិទ្ធPhnom PenhCash
299So SophornPhnom PenhCash
300ជួង ចាន់ណាTakeoCash
301IV CHHEAPhnom PenhCash
302SONG SRIMKampong ChamCash
303ហឿន ធួនTbong KhmumCash
304ធែល កាតូចKampong SpeuCash
305ឧត្តម កេតហ្សាPhnom PenhCash
306VA PHUNSiem ReapCash
307YEN SILINTakeoCash
308Yoeun SinaPhnom PenhCash
309ចាន់ សារ៉ាត់Phnom PenhCash
310Chhoeurn ChhaiBattambangCash
311sovannreth huyTakeoCash
312ហ៊ុំ សុខឌឿនKratieCash
313គង់ ច័ន្ទឌីណាPrey VengCash
314សេង អៀមSihanouk VilleCash
315ស្រ៊ុន ឃាងស្រេងPhnom PenhCash
316Sok khvanPhnom PenhCash
317Prum KakadaPhnom PenhCash
318PhasopheakTbong KhmumCash


WB Finance Officially Becomes Commercial Bank with its New Global Name as “Woori Bank (Cambodia) Plc.”

03 January 2022, Phnom Penh – WB Finance Co., Ltd. announces its official and successful conversion to Commercial Bank with the new Global name as “Woori Bank (Cambodia) Plc.” marking as one of major milestones throughout the last 30 years of its history in serving financial services to Cambodians across the nation. 

Woori Bank (Cambodia) Plc. has obtained regulatory approvals from the National Bank of Cambodia and Ministry of Commerce respectively, to carry out banking operations. With the new status, we are excited and looking forwards to deliver innovative banking services and products while expanding our business scope to the overall banking industry in Cambodia. 

Woori Bank (Cambodia) Plc. is part of Woori Financial Group, which has strong global presence at more than 450 locations in 23 countries, and has served financial services for more than a century. 

“As we become a Bank, we celebrate and look forward to more exciting journeys with our customers, partners, and stakeholders of delivering Korean-standard banking experiences while ensuring its customization for Cambodians. To share digital slogan of our shareholder Woori Financial Group, Korea, as “Digital First, Change Everything”, Woori Bank’s managements and staff has put forth a very strong foundation and concrete strategy in enabling fast, convenient and trustworthy banking experiences for the better life of our customers and Cambodians.” Said, Mr. Kim Hong Ju, CEO of Woori Bank.

Woori Bank and its growing operational branches networks will take another major step toward providing products and services starting 03 January 2022, with its operational branches networks of 138 branches nationwide, with experienced employees of almost 4,000; while progressively expanding its branch and ATMs networks across Cambodia. 

“I would like to express my sincere gratitude toward our regulators, shareholders and Board of Directors for the invaluable guidance and endless support. To our staffs and managements, thank you for the robust commitment and dedication. Last but not least, thank you valued customers for your continual supports and trust in us. I look forward to welcoming all of you to the new chapter that is Woori Bank (Cambodia) Plc.” Said, Mr. Kim Hong Ju, CEO of Woori Bank 

About Woori Bank (Cambodia) Plc. 

Woori Bank (Cambodia) Plc. is one of the leading Commercial Banks in Cambodia and wholly owned by Woori Financial Group, Korea. Woori Bank is serving convenient, fast and trustworthy financial services and products to Cambodians through its 138 branches nationwide. As of 22 December 2021, Woori Bank has achieved total assets of US$ 1.2 Billion, loan portfolio of US$ 914 Million, deposit amount of US$ 215 Million and more than 327,000 customers.

Woori Bank (Cambodia) Plc. Reaches US$ 1 Billion in Total Assets

Phnom Penh – October 11, 2021, Woori Bank is pleased to announce that it has reached US$ 1 Billion in total assets as of August 2021. Woori Bank has been serving financial services to Cambodian people for more than 25 years’ operating through 138 branch networks nationwide with its friendly and highly experienced staff of more than 3,500.

“Reaching $1 billion in total assets is another milestone of Woori Bank, emphasizing its continual growth and expansion. I would like to express my gratitude to all customers, shareholders, staff, management, partners and other stakeholders in their supports and contributions for this remarkable success. We are looking forwards to serving existing and potential customers with the best possible services for many years to come.” Said Mr. Kim Sun Kyu, Chief Executive Officer of Woori Bank

In addition to the growth of total assets, as of August 2021, Woori Bank has reached the total loan portfolio of US$ 823 Million, savings balance of US$ 170 Million, and total customers of 308,707

Woori Bank is committed to providing various financial services in fast and convenient services to all customers’ needs in Cambodia.

For more information, please contact our customer service 023 963 333 | 081 331 333 or Websitewww.wooribank.com.kh or Facebook page www.facebook.com/wooribankkhAbout Woori Bank
Woori Bank is one of the leading commercial Bank in Cambodia, and a family member of Woori Bank, a leading commercial bank in Korea. Woori Bank has served Cambodia’s communities for more than 25 years, providing financial products and services such as Loan, Deposit, Domestic and International Money Transfer, Mobile Banking, Bill Payment, ATM and more. As of August 2021, Woori Bank presented the total asset of US$ 1 Billion, total loan portfolio of US$ 823 Million and savings balance of US$ 170 Million.

Woori Bank Officially Opens its 138th Branch in Near Olympic Market, Phnom Penh

Phnom Penh- 01 October 2021 – Woori Bank, officially opened another attractive branch, specifically designed to provide friendly environment and convenient financial services for our existing and prospective customers, making it the 138th branch network in the country. The Tuol Svay Prey Ti Pir Branch is ready to serve customers starting from today along with various exciting promotions and gifts for walk-in customers.

The new branch is equipped with modern interior and exterior design including full facilities. In celebrations of inauguration of the new branch, customers who apply for savings account (called Hope Savings Account), ATM card and WB WON Mobile or open a term deposit called SOBOROS Deposit Account will get various gift sets instantly.

With strong supports and growing demand of our customers, Woori Bank continues to extend its operational networks across Cambodia in both Phnom Penh and provinces. Woori Bank has been serving financial services for more than 25 years to Cambodian people nationwide through its friendly and highly experienced staff. As of August 2021, Woori Bank has reached its total asset of US$ 1 Billion, a remarkable achievement accomplished by utmost supports of its customers, staff and management, regulators, partners, and other stakeholders.

TheTuol Svay Prey Ti Pir Branch is ready to welcome customers at No 131, Samdach Monireth Blvd. Cornor Street No 310, Phnum 1, Sangkat Tuol Svay Prey Ti Pir, Khan Boeng Keng Kang, Phnom Penh.

For more information, please contact our customer service 023 963 333 | 081 331 333 or Websitewww.wooribank.com.kh or Facebook page www.facebook.com/wooribankkhAbout Woori Bank
Woori Bank is one of the leading commercial Bank in Cambodia, and a family member of Woori Bank, a leading commercial bank in Korea. Woori Bank has served Cambodia’s communities for more than 25 years, providing financial products and services such as Loan, Deposit, Domestic and International Money Transfer, Mobile Banking, Bill Payment, ATM and more. As of August 2021, Woori Bank presented the total asset of US$ 1 Billion, total loan portfolio of US$ 823 Million and savings balance of US$ 170 Million.

Woori Bank Officially Open its 137th Branch near Central Market, Phnom Penh

Phnom Penh- 20 September 2021 – Woori Bank, officially opened another attractive branch, specifically designed to provide friendly environment and convenient financial services for our existing and prospective customers, making it the 137th branch network in the country. The Central Market Branch is ready to serve customers starting from today along with various exciting promotions and gifts for walk-in customers.

The new branch is equipped with modern interior and exterior design including full facilities. In celebrations of inauguration of the new branch, customers who apply for savings account (called Hope Savings Account), ATM card and WB WON Mobile or open a term deposit called SOBOROS Deposit Account will get various gift sets instantly.

With strong supports and growing demand of our customers, Woori Bank continues to extend its operational networks across Cambodia in both Phnom Penh and provinces. Woori Bank has been serving financial services for more than 25 years to Cambodian people nationwide through its friendly and highly experienced staff. As of August 2021, Woori Bank has reached its total asset of US$ 1 Billion, a remarkable achievement accomplished by utmost supports of its customers, staff and management, regulators, partners, and other stakeholders.

The Central Market Branch is ready to welcome customers at No. 70 Eo, Street No 136 corner Street No 53, Phum Phum 1, Sangkat Phsar Thmei Ti Bei, Khan Doun Penh, Phom Penh

For more information, please contact our customer service 023 963 333 | 081 331 333 or Websitewww.wooribank.com.kh or Facebook page www.facebook.com/wooribankkhAbout Woori Bank
Woori Bank is one of the leading commercial Bank in Cambodia, and a family member of Woori Bank, a leading commercial bank in Korea. Woori Bank has served Cambodia’s communities for more than 25 years, providing financial products and services such as Loan, Deposit, Domestic and International Money Transfer, Mobile Banking, Bill Payment, ATM and more. As of August 2021, Woori Bank presented the total asset of US$ 1 Billion, total loan portfolio of US$ 823 Million and savings balance of US$ 170 Million.

Woori Bank introduces the First Charity Term Deposit, SOBOROS Account

ថ្ងៃទី 09 ខែសីហាឆ្នាំ 2021 ភ្នំពេញ – ធនាគារ អ៊ូរី ដាក់ឲ្យប្រើប្រាស់ គណនីសប្បុរស ដែលជាសេវាប្រាក់បញ្ញើមានកាលកំណត់ដំបូងគេមួយនៅកម្ពុជា ដែលមានភ្ជាប់ជាមួយនឹងការបរិច្ចាគមូលនិធិសប្បុរសធម៌។ អតិថិជនអាចជ្រើសរើសការបរិច្ចាគទៅកាន់ដៃគូមូលនិធិរបស់ ធនាគារ អ៊ូរី នៅពេលដែលអតិថិជនដាក់ប្រាក់បញ្ញើក្នុងចំនួនណាមួយជាមួយនឹង គណនីសប្បុរស ដោយមានរយៈពេលបញ្ញើចាប់ពី 3ទៅ 12ខែ។

គណនីសប្បុរស ផ្តល់ជូនអតិថិជននូវចំណូលបន្ថែម តាមរយៈអត្រាការប្រាក់ខ្ពស់ ខណៈដែលអតិថិជនអាចចូលរួមចំណែកក្នុងសហគមន៍ ដោយធ្វើការបរិច្ចាគមូលនិធិសប្បុរសធម៌ ចំនួន 0.1%។ ទឹកប្រាក់បរិច្ចាគទាំងអស់ត្រូវបានរ៉ាប់រងទាំងស្រុងដោយ ធនាគារ អ៊ូរី ក្រោមឈ្មោះបរិច្ចាគរបស់អតិថិជន។ ដៃគូមូលនិធិរបស់ ធនាគារ អ៊ូរី រួមមាន មូលនិធិគន្ធបុប្ផាកម្ពុជា មន្ទីរពេទ្យកុមារអង្គរ មូលនិធិកុមារកម្ពុជា មូលនិធិដុនបូស្កូកម្ពុជាអន្តរជាតិ និង មូលនិធិធម្ម​  ឱសថរបស់ព្រះភិក្ខុវជិរប្បញ្ញោ គូ សុភាព ។

លោក Jin Hur, អគ្គនាយកគាំទ្រប្រតិបត្តិការ ទទួលបន្ទុកក្រុមគាំទ្រប្រតិបត្តិការ​បានមានប្រសាសន៍ថា “ធនាគារ អ៊ូរី មានបំណងចូលរួមចំណែកក្នុងការកសាងវប្បធម៌នៃការចែករំលែកជាមួយប្រជាជនកម្ពុជានិងផ្តល់ការគាំទ្រដល់សហគមន៍ ជាពិសេសក្នុងគ្រាដ៏លំបាកនេះ។ ជាមួយនឹងការសហការរបស់ដៃគូសប្បុរសធម៌ និងអតិថិជនរបស់យើង ធនាគារ អ៊ូរី ប្តេជ្ញាក្នុងការជួយជ្រោមជ្រែងប្រជាជនកម្ពុជាដែលមានទុក្ខលំបាក ជាពិសេសផ្តល់ការយកចិត្តទុកដាក់បន្ថែមដល់កុមារ និងយុវជន តាមរយៈទិដ្ឋភាពផ្សេងៗ ដូចជាការផ្តល់ការអប់រំ ការហ្វឹកហាត់ជំនាញ  តំហែទាំសុខភាព និងការគាំទ្រផ្សេងៗ ដែលពួកគេសមនឹងទទួលបាន ដើម្បីការរស់នៅប្រកបដោយសុខុមាលភាព និងក្តីសង្ឃឹម” ។

ប្រទេសកម្ពុជាគឺជាប្រទេសដែលមានចំនួនប្រជាជនវ័យក្មេងច្រើន។ ដូចនេះកុមារ និងយុវជនគឺជាមូលដ្ឋានគ្រឹះដ៏សំខាន់សម្រាប់ការរីកចម្រើនរបស់ប្រទេសជាតិ។ ជាមួយនឹងការបរិច្ចាគនេះ យើងរួមគ្នារួមចំណែកកសាងធនធានមនុស្ស​ដ៏ល្អ សហគមន៍ដ៏រីកចម្រើន និងអនាគតដ៏ល្អប្រសើរសម្រាប់ប្រទេសរបស់យើង។

សន្សំដើម្បីអ្នក & សង្គម! 

ដាក់ប្រាក់បញ្ញើឥឡូវនេះ នៅគ្រប់សាខាទាំង 138 របស់ ធនាគារ អ៊ូរី ឬទំនាក់ទំនងមកកាន់ 023 963 333 | 081 331 333 | www.wooribank.com.kh


អំពី ដៃគូមូលនិធិ


ធ្វើការកៀរគរនូវអំណោយ ឧបត្ថម្ភធន និងវិភាគទានពីគ្រប់ប្រភពស្របច្បាប់នានា សម្រាប់ទ្រទ្រង់ផ្នែកហិរញ្ញវត្ថុរបស់មន្ទីរពេទ្យគន្ធបុប្ផា ដើម្បីអាចដំណើរការប្រកបដោយនិរន្តរភាព ដើម្បីចូលរួមក្នុងការលើកកម្ពស់សុខភាពមាតា ទារកនិងកុមារ។ ​​


ធ្វើការផ្លាស់ប្តូរកុមារក្រីក្រងាយរងគ្រោះឲ្យក្លាយជាអ្នកដឹកនាំនាពេលអនាគត។ អង្គការមូលនិធិកុមារកម្ពុជា ជឿជាក់ថាការអប់រំ និងភាពជាអ្នកដឹកនាំប្រកបដោយគុណភាពអាចធ្វើឲ្យកុមារម្នាក់មានសមត្ថភាពជួយគ្រួសារទាំងមូលចាកចេញពីភាពក្រីក្រ និងមានម្ចាស់ការលើខ្លួនឯង។ 


ផ្តល់ជំនាញបច្ចេកទេស និងការអប់រំជាមូលដ្ឋានដល់យុវជន និងកុមារដែលខ្វះខាត ដើម្បីលើកស្ទួយពួកគេឱ្យ​ចាកចេញពីភាពក្រីក្រ និងការពារពួកគេពីការជួញដូរមនុស្ស។ 


មានបេសកកម្មធ្វើឱ្យប្រសើរឡើងនូវការគាំពារសុខភាពសម្រាប់ កុមារកម្ពុជាគ្រប់រូប ដែល​ត្រូវ​បាន​បង្កើតឡើងដោយជាងថតរូប លោក ខេនរ៉ូ អ៊ីស៊ុ។ មន្ទីរពេទ្យកុមារអង្គរ បានផ្តល់នូវការយកចិត្តទុកដាក់ក្នុងការពិនិត្យព្យាបាល និងថែទាំសុខភាពដល់កុមារកម្ពុជា ប្រកបដោយគុណភាពខ្ពស់ ក្តីមេត្តាករុណា និងឥតគិតកម្រៃ អស់រយៈពេលជាង២០ឆ្នាំ និងបានជួយសង្គ្រោះជីវិតកុមារជាង២លានករណី។ 


បង្កើត និងដឹកនាំដោយ ព្រះភិក្ខុវជិរប្បញ្ញោ គូ សុភាព ក្នុងគោលបំណងគាំទ្រការអប់រំរបស់ព្រះសង្ឃ សមណសិស្ស និងសិស្ស ក៏ដូចជាផ្តល់ជាជំនួយទៅដល់ព្រះសង្ឈ និង ដូនជីតាជីដែលមានជំងឺ ព្រមទាំងផ្សព្វផ្សាយការបង្រៀនធម៌របស់ព្រះពុទ្ធក្នុងផ្លូវល្អដើម្បីជាប្រយោជន៍ដល់មនុស្សជាតិ។

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